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Rhubarb and Custard

Steve Hadfield

Disintegration State
BC070 | 2022-04-29  
Almost a full year after 'Bangers and Mash' it seems Steve Hadfield is finally ready to serve up dessert...

'Rhubarb and Custard' takes the recipe for last years chaotic EP and decides to lump even more spoonfuls of havoc into the mix.

This latest release from the Leeds based producer cranks up the tempo in more ways than one. Drill n bass, industrial and braindance ethos all collide into each other for one huge maelstrom of percussion heavy electronics.

'Cinema Roll' is the calm before the storm, luring you into a false sense of security with its spacey bleeps and unthreatening tones before diverting into an outro of abrasive noise that put a marker down for the rest of the EP. From here on in it gets wild. Gone are the gleeful elements from the 'Bangers and Mash' release, replaced with much darker, almost mad scientist type, tones. 'Palate Cleanser' and 'Petits 4/4's' both offer some intermittent respite and a slightly more playful mood before we return each time to full throttle madness, dense low ends and frenzied percussive assaults.

Sometimes we all go a little crazy. 'Rhubarb and Custard' is a fresh batch of bedlam from the warped side of Steve Hadfield.

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