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Sonno Forest EP


Archipel Musique
ARCH204 | 2023-11-13  
Journey to the heart of the ethereal with Haunami's latest release, 'Sonno Forest'. Hailing from Japan, Haunami presents a collection of tracks that defies the constraints of traditional genre classification. Each piece stands as a testament to meticulous craftsmanship, an attention to detail, and an unparalleled exploration of textures that set this work apart.

All four songs within 'Sonno Forest' breathe with their own unique spirit, making comparisons almost futile. However, if one were to tread the challenging path of juxtaposition, it would be evident that Haunami harnesses a singular touch in sculpting melancholic melodies. These melodies, akin to whispered secrets from the heart, are enveloped in layers reminiscent of warm, fuzzy blankets, offering listeners solace and gentle embrace.

The entirety of the album exudes a palpable organic essence. Every note, every chord, feels as if it has sprouted from the very soil, grown under dappled sunlight, and been caressed by the gentlest of breezes. The result is a soundscape that feels undeniably lush, vibrant, and alive.

'Sonno Forest' isn't just an album; it's a haven. And in its embrace, you'll find beauty that feels both haunting and comforting, familiar yet refreshingly new.

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